
Summary: Learning both Weights and Connections for NNs


  • It presents a three-step method (train → prune → retrain) to remove redundant connections in neural networks.
  • The core idea is to identify and keep only the “important” weights, thus producing a sparse network that reduces storage/memory costs and power consumption.
  • The method can compress networks like AlexNet or VGG by up to 9×–13× while preserving nearly the same accuracy.
  • Unlike traditional pruning methods (e.g., Optimal Brain Damage/Surgeon), the authors propose a simpler, magnitude-based threshold that is repeated iteratively to prune connections.
  • They emphasize learning the connectivity of the network rather than just the weights, effectively tuning both structure and parameters.
  • They demonstrate that retraining after pruning is essential for maintaining accuracy and show the advantage of iterative pruning versus a single-shot approach.
  • They highlight that both convolutional and fully connected layers can be successfully pruned, whereas some prior works primarily focused on fully connected layers.
  • Experiments on MNIST (LeNet-300-100 and LeNet-5) to show large reductions in parameter count (12×) with no accuracy loss.
  • Experiments on ImageNet using AlexNet and VGG-16, showing and 13× compression, respectively.
  • Layer-by-layer sensitivity analyses (pruning each layer to different extents) to gauge how pruning affects accuracy.
  • Comparisons of different regularization schemes (L1 vs. L2), with and without retraining, to confirm that L2 + iterative retraining preserves the most accuracy.
  • The resulting sparsity is unstructured, making it harder to accelerate on standard GPUs, which typically thrive on structured regularity. Hardware specialized for sparse operations is less common.
  • The approach relies on a threshold hyperparameter (proportional to weight standard deviation) that can be tricky to tune optimally.
  • Pruning is iterative and requires additional retraining time, which might be expensive for very large networks.
  • It has primarily been tested on classification tasks (MNIST, ImageNet); performance on other tasks (e.g., object detection or language modeling) may vary.
  • Structured pruning approaches (e.g., removing entire neurons, channels, or filters) could simplify deployment on existing hardware, providing better speedup in practice.
  • Combine pruning with other compression techniques (quantization, low-rank factorization) for even higher efficiency.
  • Investigate pruning for more diverse tasks (object detection, speech recognition, NLP) and large-scale networks.
  • Explore automated or adaptive threshold selection methods to reduce manual hyperparameter tuning.
  • Optimal Brain Damage / Optimal Brain Surgeon: Classic pruning algorithms from the early 1990s, using second-order information (the Hessian matrix of the loss function) to identify parameters that contribute least to the network’s performance.

  • L1/L2 Regularization

    • L1 regularization penalizes the absolute value of weights, pushing many weights to become exactly zero, which encourages sparsity.
    • L2 regularization (weight decay) penalizes the square of weights and tends to keep weights small but non-zero (Note: gradient < 1.0 so square is smaller).