Introducton to Pytorch Broadcast
This article introduces the implementation details of pytorch broadcast mechanism, including the forward and backward calculation.
Let’s start with code:
import torch
A = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) # shape: [2, 3]
B = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3]) # shape: [3]
C = A + B
print(C) # tensor([[2, 4, 6], [5, 7, 9]]) shape: [2, 3]
How could this happen? Let’s discover it step by step.
BroadCast Rule
The following outlines scenarios in which tensors can be broadcasted:
Case 1: Dimensional Discrepancy
If tensors A and B have different dimensions, for instance: A = [2, 3]
and B = [3]
, then B will be unsqueezed (with an added dimension of 1) to match the shape [1, 3]
Case2: Size Discrepancy
When the dimensions are the same but the sizes differ, and one of them is 1, for example: A = [2, 3]
and B = [1, 3]
, B will be broadcasted to the shape [2, 3]
Important Note:
If the sizes in any dimension of the tensors are both greater than 1 and do not match, they cannot be broadcasted together.
As an illustration, consider A = [2, 3]
and B = [2, 4]
. Attempting to combine A and B will result in an error.
How Pytorch Calculates for Broadcasting
Still using the example above, after operator dispatch, we come to add structure kernel:
Note: If you are interested in op dispatch, you can refer to my document deep_dice_to_contiguous for more details.
// build/aten/src/ATen/RegisterCPU.cpp
at::Tensor wrapper_CPU_add_Tensor(const at::Tensor & self, const at::Tensor & other, const at::Scalar & alpha) {
structured_ufunc_add_CPU_functional op;
op.meta(self, other, alpha);
op.impl(self, other, alpha, *op.outputs_[0]);
return std::move(op.outputs_[0]).take();
Note that structured_ufunc_add_CPU_functional is a TensorIterator.
We mainly focus on op.meta
// aten/src/ATen/native/BinaryOps.cpp
TORCH_META_FUNC2(add, Tensor) (
const Tensor& self, const Tensor& other, const Scalar& alpha
) {
// self: [2, 3], other: [3]
// out (maybe_get_output()) here is undefined
build_borrowing_binary_op(maybe_get_output(), self, other);
native::alpha_check(dtype(), alpha);
Then we comes to the build_borrowing_binary_op
// aten/src/ATen/TensorIterator.cpp
void TensorIteratorBase::build_borrowing_binary_op(
const TensorBase& out, const TensorBase& a, const TensorBase& b) {
void TensorIteratorBase::build(TensorIteratorConfig& config) {
// ... Tensor Iterator build logic
// compute the broadcasted shape
// ...
Let’s step into the compute_shape
// aten/src/ATen/TensorIterator.cpp
void TensorIteratorBase::compute_shape(const TensorIteratorConfig& config) {
// ...
for (auto& op : operands_) {
// ...
if (shape_.empty()) {
shape_ = shape;
} else if (!shape.equals(shape_)) {
all_ops_same_shape_ = false;
shape_ = infer_size_dimvector(shape_, shape);
// aten/src/ATen/ExpandUtils.cpp
DimVector infer_size_dimvector(IntArrayRef a, IntArrayRef b) {
return infer_size_impl<DimVector, IntArrayRef>(a, b);
template <typename Container, typename ArrayType>
Container infer_size_impl(ArrayType a, ArrayType b) {
size_t dimsA = a.size();
size_t dimsB = b.size();
size_t ndim = dimsA > dimsB ? dimsA : dimsB;
Container expandedSizes(ndim);
// Uses ptrdiff_t to ensure signed comparison
for (ptrdiff_t i = (ptrdiff_t)ndim - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
ptrdiff_t offset = ndim - 1 - i;
ptrdiff_t dimA = dimsA - 1 - offset; // same as `dimsA - ndim + i`
ptrdiff_t dimB = dimsB - 1 - offset;
auto sizeA = (dimA >= 0) ? a[dimA] : 1;
auto sizeB = (dimB >= 0) ? b[dimB] : 1;
sizeA == sizeB || sizeA == 1 || sizeB == 1,
"The size of tensor a (", sizeA,
") must match the size of tensor b (", sizeB,
") at non-singleton dimension ", i);
// If sizeA and sizeB are the same, either is taken;
// if sizeA is 1, sizeB is taken (thus selecting the larger value)
expandedSizes[i] = sizeA == 1 ? std::move(sizeB) : std::move(sizeA);
return expandedSizes;
Given that, we derive expandedSizes = [2, 3]
when A = [2, 3]
and B = [3]
Upon computation, the value of expandedSizes
is stored as shape_
within the TensorIterator class. This class offers robust support for various shapes and strides. Subsequently, methods such as compute_types
, compute_strides
, and coalesce
are invoked to fully construct the TensorIterator.
Thereafter, op.impl
is called to perform the actual addition operation.
// build/aten/src/ATen/UfuncCPUKernel_add.cpp
void add_kernel(TensorIteratorBase& iter, const at::Scalar & alpha) {
AT_DISPATCH_SWITCH(iter.common_dtype(), "add_stub",
// ...
[&]() {
auto _s_alpha =<scalar_t>();
auto _v_alpha = at::vec::Vectorized<scalar_t>(_s_alpha);
[=](scalar_t self, scalar_t other) { return ufunc::add(self, other, _s_alpha); },
[=](at::vec::Vectorized<scalar_t> self, at::vec::Vectorized<scalar_t> other) { return ufunc::add(self, other, _v_alpha); }
// ...
The ufunc::add
is eletment-wise operation and seems quite easy:
// aten/src/ATen/native/ufunc/add.h
namespace at {
namespace native {
namespace ufunc {
template <typename T>
C10_HOST_DEVICE C10_ALWAYS_INLINE T add(T self, T other, T alpha) __ubsan_ignore_undefined__ {
return self + alpha * other;
#if !defined(__CUDACC__) && !defined(__HIPCC__)
using vec::Vectorized;
template <typename T>
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE Vectorized<T> add(Vectorized<T> self, Vectorized<T> other, Vectorized<T> alpha) __ubsan_ignore_undefined__ {
return vec::fmadd(other, alpha, self);
}}} // namespace at::native::ufunc
A pivotal component enabling PyTorch’s TensorIterator to accommodate diverse shapes and strides is the cpu_kernel_vec
. This leverages the shape computed during the build phase and utilizes functions like loop2d
and DimCounter
for its realization.
In this document, we’ve bypassed these intricate operations. For those keen on delving deeper into these technical specifics, I encourage you to peruse my previous document: deep_dive_into_contiguous(3).
Understanding Gradient Calculation with Broadcasting
Let’s see another code example:
import torch
A = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], requires_grad=True)
B = torch.tensor([1.0], requires_grad=True)
C = A + B
print(A.grad) # tensor([1., 1., 1.])
print(B.grad) # tensor([3.])
It’s easy to understand A.grad = tensor([1., 1., 1.])
, but why does B.grad = tensor([3.])
To intuitively understand this, consider that the value in B
is utilized three times during the forward add
operation. Consequently, during the backward pass, this value is similarly involved three times, leading to its accumulation into a total of 3.
Question: How does pytorch realize this?
We’ve introduced the mechanism of autograd engine in deep_dive_to_autograd_1. If you’re new to the foundational concepts of autograd in PyTorch, it’s recommended to review that article first.
The key point of gradient computation in PyTorch lies within the validate_outputs
function. Back to our example, the add_backward(fn)
operation yields outputs [1, 1, 1]
// torch/csrc/autograd/engine.cpp
static variable_list call_function(
std::shared_ptr<GraphTask>& graph_task,
Node* func,
InputBuffer& inputBuffer) {
// ...
if (has_post_hooks) {
auto inputs_copy = inputs;
outputs = fn(std::move(inputs_copy));
} else {
outputs = fn(std::move(inputs));
validate_outputs(fn.next_edges(), outputs, [&](const std::string& msg) { /* ... */ });
// ...
return outputs;
void validate_outputs(
const edge_list& edges,
variable_list& grads,
const std::function<std::string(const std::string&)>& format_error) {
// ...
for (const auto i : c10::irange(grads.size())) {
const auto& edge = edges[i];
if (!edge.is_valid())
const auto& metadata = edge.function->input_metadata(edge.input_nr);
auto& grad = grads[i];
if (!grad.defined()) {
if (!metadata.is_same_shape(grad)) {
// Ensuring that the gradient's shape aligns with the original tensor.
if (metadata.is_expandable_to_shape(grad)) {
// Calculating the rediced gradients of inputs
grad = metadata.reduce_grad(grad);
} else {
const auto message = metadata.incompatible_shape_error_message(i, grad);
TORCH_CHECK(false, format_error(message.str()));
// ...
In validate_outputs
, a critical aspect in handling broadcasted tensors during gradient calculation is reduce_grad
// torch/include/torch/csrc/autograd/input_metadata.h
struct InputMetadata {
// ...
at::Tensor reduce_grad(at::Tensor& grad) const {
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(!grad.is_nested() && !is_nested_)
return at::sum_to(std::move(grad), shape_as_dim_vector());
This leads us to comprehend that the operation is accomplished through a summation.
// torch/include/ATen/ExpandUtils.h
inline Tensor sum_to(
Tensor tensor,
const c10::SymIntArrayRef shape,
bool always_return_non_view = false) {
// In our example, shape here is [1] (original one)
return _sum_to(std::move(tensor), shape, always_return_non_view);
template <typename T>
inline Tensor _sum_to(
Tensor tensor,
const c10::ArrayRef<T> shape,
bool always_return_non_view = false) {
if (shape.size() == 0) {
return tensor.sum();
// Get the sizes of our gradient tensor, in our example, it's [3]
auto sizes = at::symint::sizes<T>(tensor);
c10::SmallVector<int64_t, 8> reduce_dims;
const int64_t leading_dims = sizes.size() - shape.size();
// Add all leading dimensions to the reduction list.
for (const auto i : c10::irange(leading_dims)) {
// Check remaining dimensions and see if they need reduction.
for (int64_t i = leading_dims; i < static_cast<int64_t>(sizes.size()); ++i) {
if (shape[i - leading_dims] == 1 && sizes[i] != 1) {
if (!reduce_dims.empty()) {
tensor = tensor.sum(reduce_dims, /*keepdim=*/true);
if (always_return_non_view) {
// ...
} else {
return leading_dims > 0 ? at::symint::view<T>(tensor, shape) : tensor;
In our example, the gradient is computed through [1, 1, 1].sum([0], true)
, resulting in the final gradient [3]
for Tensor B.
Congratulations! You now have a clearer understanding of PyTorch’s mechanism for broadcasting.