Demystifying Dtype Promotion in PyTorch
This article offers an insightful look into dtype promotion in PyTorch, explaining how different data types are handled during tensor operations. It covers the fundamental rules of dtype promotion, the specifics of how scalar values are integrated into tensor operations, and the role of TensorIterator in computing dtypes.
0. Introduction
Let’s start with code:
import torch
float_tensor = torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.float)
double_tensor = torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.double)
complex_float_tensor = torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.complex64)
complex_double_tensor = torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.complex128)
int_tensor = torch.ones(1,
long_tensor = torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.long)
uint_tensor = torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.uint8)
double_tensor = torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.double)
bool_tensor = torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.bool)
long_zerodim = torch.tensor(1, dtype=torch.long)
int_zerodim = torch.tensor(1,
>>> (int_tensor + 5).dtype
>>> (int_tensor + 5.5).dtype
>>> (int_tensor / 5).dtype
>>> (int_tensor + long_zerodim).dtype
>>> (long_tensor + int_tensor).dtype
>>> (bool_tensor + long_tensor).dtype
>>> (bool_tensor + uint_tensor).dtype
>>> (float_tensor + double_tensor).dtype
>>> (complex_float_tensor + complex_double_tensor).dtype
>>> (bool_tensor + int_tensor).dtype
>>> torch.add(long_tensor, float_tensor).dtype
Have you ever wondered about the data types (dtype
) of output tensors in PyTorch? We’ll explore this topic and provide answers later in the article.
1. Basic Rules of Dtype Promotion
In PyTorch, when the dtypes of inputs in an arithmetic operation (such as add
, sub
, etc.) are different, dtype promotion occurs. This is based on the following criteria:
If the dtype of a scalar is of a higher category than that of a tensor (Note:
), the dtype is promoted to one that is large enough to contain all scalar values.If a zero-dimensional (0-dim) tensor operand has a higher category than dimensioned operands, it is promoted to a dtype that can hold the 0-dim tensor.
In cases where there are no higher-category 0-dim tensor operands, the dtype is promoted to one that can accommodate all dimensioned operands.
Special Cases: For operations like
, dividing an integer tensor by an integer scalar results in afloat
2. PyTorch Implementation Details
Let’s delve into the PyTorch source code to understand how dtype promotion is implemented.
2.1 Wrapped Tensor
Consider the operation int_tensor + 5
, where 5
is a constant scalar. In this scenario, the scalar 5
is wrapped into a tensor with a dtype of int64
This wrapping approach enables the reuse of the add.Tensor
operator. As a result, there is no need to maintain separate add.Tensor
and add.Scalar
operators. (Note: In PyTorch, the add.Scalar
interface is not registered to the dispatcher and is therefore not used.)
Here’s how the scalar wrapping occurs:
// torch/csrc/autograd/generated/python_variable_methods.cpp
static PyObject * THPVariable_add(PyObject* self_, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
const Tensor& self = THPVariable_Unpack(self_);
static PythonArgParser parser({
"add(Scalar alpha, Tensor other)|deprecated",
"add(Tensor other, *, Scalar alpha=1)",
}, /*traceable=*/true);
ParsedArgs<2> parsed_args;
auto _r = parser.parse(self_, args, kwargs, parsed_args);
// ...
switch (_r.idx) {
case 0: {
// [deprecated] aten::add(Tensor self, Scalar alpha, Tensor other) -> Tensor
// ...
case 1: {
// aten::add.Tensor(Tensor self, Tensor other, *, Scalar alpha=1) -> Tensor
auto dispatch_add = [](const at::Tensor & self, const at::Tensor & other, const at::Scalar & alpha) -> at::Tensor {
pybind11::gil_scoped_release no_gil;
return self.add(other, alpha);
return wrap(dispatch_add(self, _r.tensor(0), _r.scalar(1)));
The crucial step is _r.tensor(0)
, where the scalar is converted into a 0-dim tensor.
// torch/csrc/utils/python_arg_parser.h
inline at::Tensor PythonArgs::tensor(int i) {
// ...
return tensor_slow(i);
// torch/csrc/utils/python_arg_parser.cpp
at::Tensor PythonArgs::tensor_slow(int i) {
PyObject* obj = args[i];
if (!obj) {
return at::Tensor();
// ...
bool save_symint = false;
at::Scalar scalar;
if (PyBool_Check(obj)) {
scalar = at::Scalar(THPUtils_unpackBool(obj));
} else if (THPUtils_checkLong(obj)) {
scalar = at::Scalar(THPUtils_unpackLong(obj));
} else if (THPUtils_checkDouble(obj)) {
scalar = at::Scalar(THPUtils_unpackDouble(obj));
} // ... other dtypes ...
// ...
at::Tensor tensor = scalar_to_tensor(scalar);
// ...
return tensor;
And the process of converting scalar to tensor is through fill
// torch/include/ATen/ScalarOps.h
inline at::Tensor scalar_to_tensor(
const Scalar& s,
const Device device = at::kCPU) {
// This is the fast track we have for CPU scalar tensors.
if (device == at::kCPU) {
return at::detail::scalar_tensor_static(s, s.type(), at::kCPU);
// ...
// aten/src/ATen/ScalarOps.cpp
Tensor scalar_tensor_static(const Scalar& s, c10::optional<ScalarType> dtype_opt, c10::optional<Device> device_opt) {
// ...
Tensor result = at::detail::empty_cpu(
{}, dtype_opt, c10::nullopt, device_opt, c10::nullopt, c10::nullopt);
scalar_fill(result, s);
return result;
In scenarios where a C++ function (e.g., at::native::add_(...)
) gets called, the Scalar
is similarly wrapped.
// aten/src/ATen/native/BinaryOps.cpp
Tensor& add_(Tensor& self, const Scalar& other, const Scalar& alpha) {
return self.add_(wrapped_scalar_tensor(other), alpha);
In the kernel (“f(a, b) == f(b,a)”), it is possible to improve computational efficiency by removing the wrapped tensor and CPU scalar tensor from TensorIterator and treating them as ordinary constant values.
For example:
// aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/
void bitwise_and_kernel_cuda(TensorIteratorBase& iter) {
AT_DISPATCH_INTEGRAL_TYPES_AND(kBool, iter.dtype(), "bitwise_and_cuda", [&]() {
BitwiseAndFunctor<scalar_t> f;
opmath_symmetric_gpu_kernel_with_scalars<scalar_t>(iter, f);
template <typename scalar_t, typename return_t = scalar_t, typename func_t>
void opmath_symmetric_gpu_kernel_with_scalars(TensorIteratorBase& iter, const func_t& f) {
// ...
if (iter.is_cpu_scalar(1)) {
scalar_val = iter.scalar_value<opmath_arg_t>(1);
} else if (iter.is_cpu_scalar(2)) {
scalar_val = iter.scalar_value<opmath_arg_t>(2);
if (iter.ninputs() == 2) {
gpu_kernel(iter, BinaryFunctor<scalar_t, scalar_t, return_t, func_t>(f));
} else {
AUnaryFunctor<scalar_t, scalar_t, return_t, func_t> unary_f(f, scalar_val);
gpu_kernel(iter, unary_f);
2.2 Computing the dtypes
The computation of dtypes occurs within the TensorIterator. If you’re unfamiliar with TensorIterator, I recommend reading my article introducing it here.
And in this article, we will focus on exploring the implementation of dtype promotion.
// aten/src/ATen/TensorIterator.cpp
void TensorIteratorBase::build(TensorIteratorConfig& config) {
// ...
// compute the result dtype and device
// ...
void TensorIteratorBase::compute_types(const TensorIteratorConfig& config) {
common_dtype_ = ScalarType::Undefined;
ScalarType output_dtype = ScalarType::Undefined;
bool has_different_input_dtypes = false;
bool has_undefined_outputs = false;
for (auto& op : operands_) {
if (!op.is_type_defined()) {
// ...
if (config.static_dtype_.has_value()) {
op.target_dtype = config.static_dtype_.value();
} else {
has_undefined_outputs = true;
// ...
// ...
if (!op.is_output) {
// Determines if there are varying input dtypes
if (op.target_dtype != common_dtype_) {
if (common_dtype_ == ScalarType::Undefined) {
common_dtype_ = op.target_dtype;
} else {
has_different_input_dtypes = true;
} else {
// Determines if there are varying output dtypes
if (op.target_dtype != output_dtype) {
if (output_dtype == ScalarType::Undefined) {
output_dtype = op.target_dtype;
// ...
// ...
if (!has_undefined_outputs && !config.check_all_same_device_ &&
!config.promote_inputs_to_common_dtype_ && !config.cast_common_dtype_to_outputs_ &&
!config.enforce_safe_casting_to_output_) {
// Invalidates common_dtype_ if it could not be inferred
common_dtype_ = has_different_input_dtypes ? ScalarType::Undefined : common_dtype_;
// Computes a common dtype, if needed
if ((has_different_input_dtypes || all_ops_are_scalars_) && config.promote_inputs_to_common_dtype_) {
common_dtype_ = compute_common_dtype();
// Promotes common dtype to the default float scalar type, if needed
// This is for operators like `div`
if (config.promote_integer_inputs_to_float_ &&
c10::isIntegralType(common_dtype_, /*includeBool=*/true)) {
common_dtype_ = c10::typeMetaToScalarType(c10::get_default_dtype());
// ...
for (auto& op : operands_) {
bool is_type_defined = op.is_type_defined();
if (!is_type_defined) {
op.target_dtype = common_dtype_;
// ...
In compute_types
, PyTorch calculates the common_dtype_
based on the input tensors and configuration settings like promote_inputs_to_common_dtype_
. The resulting dtype is then stored in op.target_dtype
, which is later used in allocate_or_resize_outputs
To understand how PyTorch implements dtype promotion, let’s examine the compute_common_dtype
Note: The promote_inputs_to_common_dtype_
must be set to True
to enable this dtype inference mechanism(Typically, the configuration of TensorIterator is determined by macros such as BINARY_FLOAT_OP_CONFIG
// aten/src/ATen/TensorIterator.cpp
ScalarType TensorIteratorBase::compute_common_dtype() {
at::native::ResultTypeState state = {};
for (const auto& op : operands_) {
if (op.is_output) {
state = at::native::update_result_type_state(op.tensor(), state);
common_dtype_ = at::native::result_type(state);
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(common_dtype_ != ScalarType::Undefined);
return common_dtype_;
// aten/src/ATen/native/TypeProperties.cpp
ResultTypeState update_result_type_state(const Tensor& tensor, const ResultTypeState& in_state) {
if (!tensor.defined()) {
return in_state;
ResultTypeState new_state = in_state;
ScalarType current = tensor.scalar_type();
if (tensor.unsafeGetTensorImpl()->is_wrapped_number()) {
// if wrapped tensor, use the default dtype for complex/float
if(isComplexType(current)) {
// default: complex<float>
current = typeMetaToScalarType(at::get_default_complex_dtype());
else if(isFloatingType(current)) {
// default: float
current = typeMetaToScalarType(at::get_default_dtype());
if ( tensor.dim() > 0 ) {
// normal tensor
new_state.dimResult = promote_skip_undefined(in_state.dimResult, current);
} else if (tensor.unsafeGetTensorImpl()->is_wrapped_number()) {
// wrapped tensor(scalar)
new_state.wrappedResult = promote_skip_undefined(in_state.wrappedResult, current);
} else {
// zero dim tensor(not wrapped)
new_state.zeroResult = promote_skip_undefined(in_state.zeroResult, current);
return new_state;
// torch/include/ATen/native/TypeProperties.h
struct ResultTypeState {
c10::ScalarType dimResult = ScalarType::Undefined;
c10::ScalarType wrappedResult = ScalarType::Undefined;
c10::ScalarType zeroResult = ScalarType::Undefined;
For each tensor, PyTorch invokes update_result_type_state
to update the ResultTypeState. This state include three types of result dtypes: dimResult
(for normal tensors), zeroResult
(for 0-dim tensors that are not wrapped) and wrappedResult
(for wrapped tensors).
The at::native::result_type
function is then called to infer the common_dtype_
// aten/src/ATen/native/TypeProperties.cpp
ScalarType result_type(const ResultTypeState& in_state) {
return combine_categories(in_state.dimResult, combine_categories(in_state.zeroResult, in_state.wrappedResult));
static inline ScalarType combine_categories(ScalarType higher, ScalarType lower) {
if(isComplexType(higher)) {
return higher;
} else if (isComplexType(lower)) {
// preserve value type of higher if it is floating type.
if (isFloatingType(higher)) {
return toComplexType(higher);
// in case of integral input, lower complex takes precedence.
return lower;
} else if (isFloatingType(higher)) {
return higher;
if (higher == ScalarType::Bool || isFloatingType(lower)) {
return promote_skip_undefined(higher, lower);
if (higher != ScalarType::Undefined) {
return higher;
return lower;
In most cases, the precedence order of the three result types is: dimResult
> zeroResult
> wrappedResult
If the higher result dtype is a bool
or the lower result dtype is a FloatingType
, the dtype promotion function promote_skip_undefined
is invoked:
// aten/src/ATen/native/TypeProperties.cpp
static inline ScalarType promote_skip_undefined(ScalarType a, ScalarType b) {
if (a == ScalarType::Undefined) {
return b;
if (b == ScalarType::Undefined) {
return a;
return promoteTypes(a, b);
// c10/core/ScalarType.cpp
constexpr auto u1 = ScalarType::Byte;
constexpr auto i1 = ScalarType::Char;
constexpr auto i2 = ScalarType::Short;
constexpr auto i4 = ScalarType::Int;
constexpr auto i8 = ScalarType::Long;
constexpr auto f2 = ScalarType::Half;
constexpr auto f4 = ScalarType::Float;
constexpr auto f8 = ScalarType::Double;
constexpr auto c2 = ScalarType::ComplexHalf;
constexpr auto c4 = ScalarType::ComplexFloat;
constexpr auto c8 = ScalarType::ComplexDouble;
constexpr auto b1 = ScalarType::Bool;
constexpr auto bf = ScalarType::BFloat16;
constexpr auto ud = ScalarType::Undefined;
ScalarType promoteTypes(ScalarType a, ScalarType b) {
// This is generated according to NumPy's promote_types
if (a == ud || b == ud) {
return ScalarType::Undefined;
if (a == b) {
return a;
// ...
auto ix_a = dtype2index[static_cast<int64_t>(a)];
auto ix_b = dtype2index[static_cast<int64_t>(b)];
// This table axes must be consistent with index2dtype
static constexpr std::array<std::array<ScalarType, index2dtype.size()>, index2dtype.size()>
_promoteTypesLookup = {{
/* u1 i1 i2 i4 i8 f2 f4 f8 c2 c4 c8 b1 bf*/
/* u1 */ {u1, i2, i2, i4, i8, f2, f4, f8, c2, c4, c8, u1, bf},
/* i1 */ {i2, i1, i2, i4, i8, f2, f4, f8, c2, c4, c8, i1, bf},
/* i2 */ {i2, i2, i2, i4, i8, f2, f4, f8, c2, c4, c8, i2, bf},
/* i4 */ {i4, i4, i4, i4, i8, f2, f4, f8, c2, c4, c8, i4, bf},
/* i8 */ {i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, f2, f4, f8, c2, c4, c8, i8, bf},
/* f2 */ {f2, f2, f2, f2, f2, f2, f4, f8, c2, c4, c8, f2, f4},
/* f4 */ {f4, f4, f4, f4, f4, f4, f4, f8, c4, c4, c8, f4, f4},
/* f8 */ {f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, c8, c8, c8, f8, f8},
/* c2 */ {c2, c2, c2, c2, c2, c2, c4, c8, c2, c4, c8, c2, c4},
/* c4 */ {c4, c4, c4, c4, c4, c4, c4, c8, c4, c4, c8, c4, c4},
/* c8 */ {c8, c8, c8, c8, c8, c8, c8, c8, c8, c8, c8, c8, c8},
/* b1 */ {u1, i1, i2, i4, i8, f2, f4, f8, c2, c4, c8, b1, bf},
/* bf */ {bf, bf, bf, bf, bf, f4, f4, f8, c4, c4, c8, bf, bf},
// clang-format on
return _promoteTypesLookup[ix_a][ix_b];
In promote_skip_undefined
, PyTorch employs a lookup table to efficiently execute dtype promotion.
3. Review the answer
Having delved into the dtype promotion mechanism of PyTorch, let’s revisit and answer the questions posed earlier in the article.
>>> (int_tensor + 5).dtype
# 5 is wrapped to a int64 tensor, but doesn't have higher precedence than
# dim-tensor, so still int32
>>> (int_tensor + 5.5).dtype
# 5.5 is wrapped to a double tensor, then get the default `float` in
# `update_result_type_state`, then dtype promotion to float
>>> (int_tensor / 5).dtype
# 5 is wrapped to a long tensor, we get a `int` after `compute_common_dtype`
# However, since `promote_integer_inputs_to_float` is set for `div` op
# the dtype of output is promoted to float in `compute_types`
>>> (int_tensor + long_zerodim).dtype
# zerodim's precedence is lower than int_tensor, so no dtype promotion here
>>> (long_tensor + int_tensor).dtype
# dtype promotion to long
>>> (bool_tensor + long_tensor).dtype
# dtype promotion to long
>>> (bool_tensor + uint_tensor).dtype
# dtype promotion to uint8
>>> (float_tensor + double_tensor).dtype
# dtype promotion to double
>>> (complex_float_tensor + complex_double_tensor).dtype
# dtype promotion to complex128
>>> (bool_tensor + int_tensor).dtype
# dtype promotion to int
>>> torch.add(long_tensor, float_tensor).dtype
# dtype promotion to float